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Proverbially Yours 2/ Final Crit

Both pieces of feedback I received on my proverbially yours mail shots had similar questions which they asked of my work, the question of how effective did my mail shot communicate a message, the profession and the proverb was answered positively, my final resolution was 'easily communicated', 'understandable'. The format and colour scheme was also noted as working effectively. I believe the simplicity of the message and the visuals help to convey a simple message. However it was noted that the mailing list could be altered in that currently I intended to send the mail shot to existing chiropractic surgeries, but it was suggested in the feedback that they would already know about the organisation/associations being advertised by the mail shot. Therefore I should consider sending it to chiropractic students.

Action Plan: Reconsider the addressees included on the mailing list to a more appropriate group of recipients such as Chiropractic students

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