As I moved forward with the design of the packaging I wanted to focus further on how the contradiction name of the set of fragrances was going to be communicated. Using the same principle as before and using this contrast between letters to show contradiction this time instead used letter spacing to create a contradiction between the words of the name which are heavy expanded and this is contrasted with heavily condensed spacing. I explores a range of layout but the simpler layouts worked better and the added type on other became to complex and the concept was getting lost in the design.
I also started looking at contradictory colour palettes which could be used by Greta for the patterns within the interior of the packaging, we didn't want to use both colour as this would to harsh against the stark white therefore I looked into a range of pastel tones. We also a unique tonal palette for each perfume which was identifiable as well as relatable to the perfume name and smell.
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