Within the promotional pack I have also included a promo DVD as I though this would be a good way for the auidence to get to know what the channel is about what type of programming the channel will be offering. As only items that are going to be flat can be printed with James I decided to print in black onto neon green card to give me the same colour branding but through a different method of printing that meant I would be able to fold the final print without it being destroyed. To use this print method I simply printed with black ink, no colour was used, onto a neon green stock. The results came out well, however the stock has an extremely smooth surface which didn't allow ink to be absorbed into the paper therefore when using an Inkjet printer the ink sat on top of the paper and didn't sink into the paper leaving the black to less intense than it would have been on white paper for example however it's not a major noticeable issue. It is something to consider in the future that screen printing or printing on a laser printer may have given me a much richer and deeper black.
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