Think about why channels have the colour they have? E4, purple and white targeted at a younger generation 18-30 whereas the old more 4 branding is black and green, which are the opposite to these colours and this channel is aimed at an older generation and has more informative and serious programming.
nothing is new and everything has been done before, but it's about doing things in new ways and evoking or familiar is certain cases in the auidence.
Define typical and list everything you don't want your TV channel design to do
Make a sheet of possible names and then get rid of the ones you don't like, get a smaller list of possible names and see what you can do with them
Re write a more focused brief
What specific shows might the channel show, with a slight male bias, the channel is targeting a male auidence which doesn't rule our the female viewer, but a scenario maybe that the male picks the channel and the tv show which the female viewer then engages with an enjoys